37 photos   3301 visits

x - ThankYou - x - xo

- Ohh guys I just wanted to thank you for all the things you've done for me & all the support you guys gave to me, especially for my birthday :) I'm finally 21 and I'm feeling kinda.. fresh?! lol.
- I also wanted to apologize that I couldn't enter for a while here, I've been busy a lot those times I missed. My world outta here is empty without you guys, without your love, support and friendship. xx. - ♥ - Nicole's STAFF.
Awee thank y'all babees, you made my day :) xoxo
Awee thank y'all babees, you made my day :) xoxo
Murder Mystery Date Night ;D #IDidntDolt
Murder Mystery Date Night ;D #IDidntDolt
Midnight birthday surprise from @Steelaw. ;D twentyyyyy onnnnne yeeeeeah.
Midnight birthday surprise from @Steelaw. ;D twentyyyyy onnnnne yeeeeeah.

Comments • 2
DeduxaaLov3 16 September 2011  
Amazing pictures and you deserve it :)
xNicoleGaleAxD 16 September 2011  
Awee. I wish I could return all the love you & others gave to me. Ahh, I'm *amazed* :) . xo
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